Saturday, September 29, 2018

Crossroads of Life

When trying becomes a staple
And you get stuck 
Stuck in the wheel of tries 
Do you then joyously try again?
Or would you go back and live 
Live as a kid
Taking life as it comes
Living life forgetting the adjacent past

The vision of the future though
Can you let it go? 
You’ve lived this moment
Lived it in anticipation, envisioned it 
Worked hard to turn it to a reality 
You can almost taste it
But what if?
What if there are failures awaiting
A magnitude of them
Do you waste your life then?

Or do you move on
Move on to other things
Open a door to a different reality
Find a different adventure
A different motivation
Or pickup your past desires
The ones that knocked your door
When you were still a kid
Living those real life fantasies 
And turn that into a reality?

You stand yet again
In the crossroads to pick
Stuck between what’s expected 
And perhaps the right way
Or to pick a new dream
That’s yet to materialize 
Which way do you go then
Is it the path dictated by fear?
Or the one that lacks destination?

When life becomes a staple
And you get stuck
Do you pick the expected?
A safer life that is
Or do you go all in
Towards a new dream? 
A dream that’s yet to come!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


कुनै दिन म यस्तो गीत गाउछु,
मनका सबै चीज तिमीलाई सुनाउछु,
मेरो यो रिदयमा भएका कुराहरु,
तिमीलाई बिस्तारै बिस्तारै भन्छु ।

मुटुको त्यो धड्कनले तिम्रो नाम लिदा,
उम्रेका काडाले महसुस गर्छु,
आँखा मेरा यी त्येसै लोलाउछन्,
सम्झी तिमीलाई क्षण रोमन्चक बनाउछन् ।

कुनै दिन म यस्तो गीत गाउछु,
मनका सबै चीज तिमीलाई सुनाउछु ।

ति शब्दहरु छन कर्णप्रिय साह्रै,
डुबी तिनैमा पवित्र म हुन्छु ,
लजाउदै जब तिमी मुस्काउछौ त्यसरी,
हर्शले मन यो उजागर गराउछेउ ।

उत्तेजित मनलाई झन घायल  बनाउछेउ,
जब करके हेराइले परेली झिम्काउछेउ,
वोठको जादुको कुरै नगरौ,
मीठो स्पर्शको त्रिष्णा जगाउछेउ ।

कुनै दिन म यस्तो गीत गाउछु,
मनका सबै चीज तिमीलाई सुनाउछु,
मेरो यो रिदयमा भएका कुराहरु,
तिमीलाई बिस्तारै बिस्तारै भन्छु ।

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


My life is a little different than yours
My confidence gets the stage to lure
I'm always a winner, and I'm really really sure
People in life come and go, I'm sure I can find some more
Why would you cry, when the world is to adore

Life is made of time & when busy, I get it to rhyme
I shine with the sun, dance with the dawn and sometimes sleep in the lawn
I make my life and steer it around
Predict the probabilities and lay it on the ground
 Choose the best ones & rhyme it all along
I move with the vibration of my own song :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I blame your words for my pretty imagination
They are to blame for the plans I make
I blame your voice for your prolonged concentration
They are to blame for the goosebumps that shake
But I don't blame you at all
You create the sensations
And emotions that flow me along
You create the inner vibrations
And my heart sings a song
I find my heart, that longs your company
I love talking to you, create a new destiny
Contrastify me, I wish to see them colors
Intensify me, I wanna reach those levels
Paint my imaginations with your words
Sing the song of my heart, with your voice
Take me to that imagination land
Where it's just the two of us
Let us create such a reality
Where we both win the toss.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Punctual Interview

I wrote this on my interview in LA GEAR UP Summer Counselor. They called me at 10. I had an exam @ 9:30. I rushed to be there at 10. But my interview started at almost 11:30.

Was supposed be in @ 10.
I'm still outside in vain
After I finished my Exam,
It suddenly began to rain
Little droplets on my shirt,
Are not there anymore
I feel like goin out in the rain,
Instead of waitin here in vain
Been sittin down now for a while,
My back is now in pain
Wasted my exam time
without a single gain.
I thought I got here rite in time,
Was the first in chain.
The traffic dont move anymore ...
Think I shud change the lane ??
No ! I'm not givin up yet !!
My life's not @ Set !!
Why don't they check the clock tower
And keep it as a pet ??
I shud just stop writing now
And wait outside in vain
I'm waiting for my interview
Which shud've started @ 10.

You're my fight

You try and organize yourself,
Try, maintain and reveal
It might just seem to work its way,
But you're somewhere within.

When you feel you've been a giver,
Its just you and you're low
If the taker would understand,
There'd be no sorrow anymore

I've always been a fighter,
Can it always be this way?
I'm trying to tell you something nice
Can you hear?, you're ears away.

With this song, education here again,
I hope this effort, wont go in vain
I'll be a fighter once again,
Forgetting those carved wounds of pain.

Birthday !

This one day I'll overcome my griefs,
This one day I'll love to be just me,
This one day I'll expose all my fears,
This one day I'll smile coz I am me.
This one day I'll sew up my lil heart,
This one day I'll realize I have a part,
This is my day and I'll have all fun,
I'll not stay and hope the others to come,
Yeah I like blue but I'm not pale,
I am strong, this thing is real,
This is my day, the day I was born,
I'll enjoy, let the others learn.